New Fantasy World Project (Terra) Wiki

Liborium was an area of The World that housed all of The World's knowledge in the form of books. It is guarded by the Keepers of Liborium and is also the place where the Adminstrator Minerva resides. It was ejected into the sky during the Crystal Rising and has since become known as the sky island of Index Liborium.


Liborium reaches deep into the planet and it has sixteen levels with each level possessing more important knowledge than the last. Each level is guarded by one Keeper of Liborium and various animals familiars. The bookshelves change places every so often and is like a labyrinth that constantly changes. Anyone is allowed into the first level, but each level beyond requires some sort of clearance. Minerva resides in level zero, a distortion of space that cannot be entered by non-Immortals without an invitation from Minerva, herself.


  • Xewleer actually was able to get a whole bunch of signed papers from Minerva. He then uses them to get mortals of importance into the Liborium. These fake passes fool the first rank guards that guard the openings to the Liborium. He gave one of these to Silabus Hart by planting it on his person secretly, where it was found by a few guards who searched Silabus for anything suspicious. This allowed Silabus to fake being invited and started his journey within the Liborium.